TES Fest Play Space Rules
Please speak with a Dungeon Monitor (DM) to address any questions or incidents. Our event rules are designed to ensure everyone’s health, safety, and comfort. Failure to abide by these rules may result in removal from the event without a refund. Thank you for your understanding.
Consent & Safety
- All activities and encounters must be consensual. Explicit consent is required before touching or performing any activity with someone else. Harassment and coercion are prohibited.
- The house safeword is RED. If RED is called, play must be stopped immediately. Dungeon Monitors will enforce it if necessary. If a bottom is unable to verbally communicate during any portion of the scene, inform a DM before the start of your scene that an alternative safe signal is in use.
- Play equipment is provided by TES Fest and may not be moved. Any alterations to the playspace must be done by approved TES Fest personnel.
- If a DM flashes you with a flashlight, cease all action immediately and await instructions.
- All instructions from the DMs must be IMMEDIATELY followed. No exceptions will be granted. Immediate compliance is mandatory; questions about the DM’s instructions may be referred to the DM’s Captain. The DMs’ and medical teams’ decisions are final and rendered on a case by case basis.
Playspace Etiquette
- Treat others with respect and consideration at all times. Kink shaming, deliberate misgendering, and other bullying is strictly prohibited. Anyone reported to be making offensive comments may be subject to disciplinary action
- Do not interfere with others’ scenes. Unless invited by them, do not interact with the players once scenes have begun and until aftercare is completed. If you wish to watch a scene, keep a respectful (and safe) distance from the players. Do not touch any equipment that is not your own.
- No cell phones, tablets, or other electronic devices may be visibly displayed in the indoor play space.Such devices are allowed in the outdoor area, but MUST have stickers covering all cameras
- No intoxication or intoxicants within the playspace. Anyone who is intoxicated or otherwise under the influence will not be permitted in the play area.
- No food, non-water beverages, or glass beverage containers are permitted in the indoor playspace.
- Share the equipment! There is a 60 minute time limit for using any particular item. Please ask a DM before beginning any scene that requires more than one piece of dungeon equipment, or if you feel someone has had a piece of equipment too long.
- No exposed bottoms or genitals directly on equipment or furniture. Chux are available to use as a barrier.
- Sexual/Genital Play: Chux and appropriate barriers to hotel items and playspace furniture are required any time fluids (body, lube or otherwise) are involved in a scene.
- Clean up when you finish! Use supplies provided at cleaning stations before and after you play on the equipment
Play FAQs
- Types of play not permitted
- Gun Play (real or prop)
- Fire Whips
- Scat/vomit play
- Scenes in the Pool Area or Fitness Room
- Breath Play
- The following activities require advanced notification (by Wednesday July 2, 2025, 11:59pm) with a DM to be scheduled and approved
- Waterboarding
- Watersports
- Takedowns/Kidnappings
- Anything particularly messy or involving food
- Anything that is likely to cause a major disruption
- Anything that might include 4 or more participants or need a large area
- The following activities require a check-in with a DM and approval
- Anything that might include 4 or more participants or need a large area
- Combined use of blindfolds, gags, and/or bondage
- Consensual Non-Consent Scenes
- Electrical Devices (excepting Violet Wands or TENS Units)
- Fire Play
- Medical/Blood Play
- Whips, Dragontails or anything else like these over 5 feet in length
- Watersports: Requires DM advanced notification and approval. May only be performed near a drain. Tarps must be used to control runoff (fluids should not come into contact with hotel property, including grass).
- Fire Play: Allowed only in designated areas of the courtyard; Requires extinguisher & fire blanket (or damp towel). No accelerants other than isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), ethanol (drinking alcohol), or butane (as found in mousse). Accelerants should be in appropriate containers. Accelerants & ignition source must be on a separate surface from the bottom & placed sufficiently apart to prevent accidents. Tops must be positioned without anyone behind them during play. A towel or blanket between the bottom and surface of requirement must be supplied by those involved. (moved up to prevent duplication)
- Medical/Blood Play: Restricted to the medical play area. Proper safety and clean up, including the use of gloves, is required. Anyone with needles (or other hardware) in them, active bleeding, or uncovered wounds is not permitted to leave the designated medical play area. Attendees entering the medical play area are advised to wear closed-toed shoes. Those doing otherwise do so at their own risk.(moved up to prevent duplication)
- Electrical Play (excepting Violet Wands or TENS Units): Must be within 6 feet of the power source. Surge protector is required. All cords must be taped down or otherwise guaranteed not to pose a tripping hazard.
Please speak with a Dungeon Monitor to address any questions or incidents. Our event rules are designed to ensure everyone’s health, safety, and comfort. Failure to abide by these rules may result in removal from the event without a refund. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions, please contact safety@tesfest.org.